The Homemaker’s Winter: Letters From Home

The past few weeks have been a lovely respite from the heavy gray that makes a home in the sky every winter. From late November through January we probably only had a handful of sunny days, but now it seems to be out more often! Every day of gloom is a battle for my mind and mood. I have felt as though I might be living life half-asleep. January and February always feel like that. I hardly take any photos and I’m always tired. I find myself wondering inquisitively what it will feel like to thaw my bones in the warmth come spring. Such is the way of winter.

Last week I saw our chipmunk friend who lives under our garden out and about for the first time in months, and just on Sunday I saw the robins making their appearance once again. The mourning doves are cooing and the birds are beginning to sound just a bit different, with more anticipation in their song. We’ve been having a pretty mild stretch, so I don’t doubt that we’ll be seeing the crocuses pop up here soon. Our local sugar makers are already tapping their trees, and even when we do have a gray day, the clouds seem to break up easier and faster than they have before.

I will say that as a homesteader, homemaker, and business owner, I’m realizing that winter never really lasts long enough. Oh sure the snow and cold lingers well into April here but I guess I mean the leisure of it. By now it’s already time to start seeds and prep spring products for the shop. I do not feel one bit bad about the hibernating I did in January because for the rest of the year it’s pretty much go-go-go.

The winter kitchen has been full of sourdough, sourdough, and more sourdough. My starter was struggling a bit with the cold, as it does in winter, so I decided to keep it on the counter for a few days (I normally keep it in the fridge) and that left me with an abundance of starter to turn into waffles, loaves, pizza crusts, and bagels. We’ve been eating lots of carbs and filling the freezer with them as well. Such is the way of winter!

While slippers still remain on my feet and leggings under my dresses, spring projects are on my mind—what color curtains I want to make for the kitchen windows (any suggestions?), clothing items I need to purchase for my spring and summer wardrobe, deep cleaning, planning the garden, setting up grow lights, getting my taxes done, selling clothes I don’t wear anymore. These sunny days make me unrealistically productive! But it is nice to feel this way after January’s lull.

I hope you, too, have been enjoying the anticipation of spring while being refreshed by the restfulness of winter. May we all seek to live nearer to the Streams of Grace as we go about our daily duties.

❤️ Talk soon.

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